Web Development

Hall Management Software

This is University Hall management software. Store hall related students, teachers and others employee data. Ensure yearly income of Hall, Store pay slip for later verification

Technologies Used: Java, Spring boot, DerbyDb, AWS

Create contact list

First we create contact list and store in Database. Then retrive data using api.

Technologies Used: Python, Django, REST_FRAMEWORK API, DB

Book Library

An E-book library with Create, Update, Delete Operations.
Technologies Used: Language-Python, Framwork-Django, DB-Sqlite3

User browsing history record

This is simple Django based web application. Here we try to keep user browsing history record.
Technologies Used: Language-Python, Framwork-Django, DB-Sqlite3


Developed Js based Login, Registration web pages.
Technologies Used: JaveScript/HTML/CSS


Web Portfolio to showcase projects and skills in better manner.
Technologies Used: HTML/CSS/JavaScript


PSD to HTML design page
Technologies Used: HTML/CSS/JavaScript