Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Covid-19 news collection

Web scraping is an important technique to collect data from online portal. In this project I tried to collect some news which is Covid-19 related. In future we can use this data for our academic or industrial research.

Used Technologies: Python 3, Pandas, Beautiful soup, ETL

US Online-based Car selling information scraping using python, bs4, Selenium

This project was an assignment for Python developer position. This was a dynamic website.

Used Technologies: Python3, bs4, Selenium.

Cat Detection

Image detection is one of the major field of Machine learning. My focus is to compare about the performance of classical ML algorithms and Deep learning.

Used Technologies: Python 3, Matplotlib.pyplot, Pandas, numpy, Deep Learning

Learning approach model

The learning approach is a way, to teach our Machine how to predict the future based on previous events. In this project, Data Science concepts and Machine learning algorithms are used to build up a predicted model.

Used Technologies: Python 3, Seaborn, Matplotlib.pyplot, Pandas, numpy, ML algorithms

House Price prediction

In this project, we tried to find out the best prediction-based model to rent a house in Melbourne, United State. Data preprocessing, Visualizing, and Machine Learning algorithms used to build predicted models.

Used Technologies: Python 3, Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn, Machine learning algorithms

Online shop scraping

In this project, we use the ETL concept to extract data from a online shop.

Used Technologies: Python 3, WebScraping, Selenium, BeautifulSoup, Numpy, Pandas